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Who·ology #008 – S08E08 Mummy on the Orient Express dw_mummy Full view

Who·ology #008 – S08E08 Mummy on the Orient Express


Episode 008 hits us with a surprise as The Doctor is still being accompanied by Clara. After their blowup, we see that they’ve agreed to give it one final “hurrah!” But as this classy evening turns out to be more than a casual train ride, Clara begins to wrestle with her continued travels with The Doctor and we begin to see just who may be addicted to what.

What did you think of “Mummy on the Orient Express”? Did we miss something (of course we did– there is never enough time!)? Leave a comment.


Check out Episode 008:

Who·ology #008 – S08E08 Mummy on the Orient Express


Written by Mikey Fissel

Mikey Fissel (@fizzification) is the Creator/Producer/Managing Editor of Reel World Theology. He lives in Greensboro, NC with his wife, Laura, and their three children. He finds much joy from recounting his catch-phrase, "Story is Powerful and Entertainment is Not Mindless..."


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