Wednesday Web Link – Get “Left Behind” Me, Nicolas Cage
The Wednesday Web Link is our weekly feature on an article from the whole internets that is not only movie related, but a movie related article that makes you think deeper about the movies and TV you are watching. If you have an awesome article to share that plumbs the depths of movies, TV shows, and the stories we watch, let us know on Twitter at @reelworldtheo or like the Reel World Theology Facebook page or email Josh at and the article could end up here!
Wednesday Web Link – I Want To Be Left Behind
This Friday the Hollywood re-boot of “Left Behind”, the first book that started the too long series by Tim LaHaye, is released worldwide in theaters. It is sure to make a pile of money despite the groanings and flailings of yours truly. In honor of this movie coming out, starring Nicolas Cage, we might as well have a link that sheds a little light on the main plot device of the Left Behind series.
In an article in the Christian Post, Joshua Ryan Butler shares his rebuttal to the central premise of Left Behind, the concept of the Rapture of all believers before the Tribulation and the eventual return of Christ. The two common Scripture verses used to argue the position of the Rapture are presented and a short history of the “doctrine” of the rapture is explained. I won’t spoil his arguments here, but I resoundingly agree with his position on the Rapture. Here’s my money quote and taster for ya’ll (I’m going to keep saying ya’ll until one of you Southerners tells me not to):
“Our hope is not escapist or fear-based for our own self-preservation. It is courageously loving, sacrificially suffering, redemptively hopeful for the world.”
Amen, internet brother.

If you need know (which you probably don’t) I consider myself to be a no-millenialist, which is really just my sarcastic position on the end times because I am sick of talking to Christians who care too much about the end times and I really do care just not enough to take a definitive position. If you really want to know what I think, email me or talk at me on twitter (@JorshCrebb) and we can solve all the world’s problems together.
An excellent link and one I agree with whole-heartedly. My only quibble here is that I would point out there is a better position than no-millenialist, and it is post-millenialist. 🙂
Hey TJ! Yeah, I really don’t ascribe to that position, but like to drag out that sarcastic position when I get bogged down in end times discussions. Like my out of date version of the iPhone iOS, I should probably take the time to update my position on the end times. I feel it is such a tertiary discussion and I care so much more about the Gospel, soteriology, ecclesiology, and other such things that it often is ignored or sarcastically panned.
Thanks for reading! Saw you re-posted it, which is awesome!
i think the most important thing here isn’t the Theology– it’s the amazing 2% this movie currently has on Rotten Tomatoes!
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