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Introducing the Return of <i>The Body | The Blood</i> TheBloodTheBody Full view

Introducing the Return of The Body | The Blood


After a lengthy hiatus, we were approached by Reel World Theology to bring our show to their podcast roster. With this opportunity on the table, Ian Olson, Andy Whitfield and Blake I. Collier decided to restart and restructure their podcast.

Instead of our previous incarnation —two separate episodes, every two weeks —we will be moving to one episode a month (coming out on the last day of every month!)  at around an hour to an hour and a half long. Each episode will consist of a discussion of two films: a recent horror film, most of which will be selected from those films that come out during the year of our recording and an older horror film that has a similar theme or construct that will be paired with it.

This discussion will be had between Ian, Andy and Blake, but we may have a guest join us as well from time to time. This will make up most of each podcast episode. The remainder of the podcast will include an interview or dialogue with a special guest. These guests will come from all walks of life: lovers and haters of horror, those within the horror industry such as filmmakers and Reel World Theology hosts and writers. As the show grows, we aim to get increasingly higher profile interviews.

We have new intro and outro music graciously created for our show by friend of the show — enemy of Andy — Jeff Hansen (@gwarfjansen). Check him out on Twitter!

On this introductory episode, we talk about why we love horror, what the genre means to us, and why we all find it to be important.

Then we discuss what scared each of us the most in our life. We end the episode talking about our hopes for the life of the podcast and the potential for it in the future as we team up with Reel World Theology!

We hope you will take a listen. We are really happy to be at a new home!

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Blake I. Collier — @blakeicollier on Twitter
Ian Olson — @iancessant on Twitter
Andy Whitfield — @Hilibofas on Twitter

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Written by Blake I. Collier

Blake I. Collier hails from the flatlands of the Texas Panhandle, but currently resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma with his wife and son. He draws lines (and the occasional circle) for his day job. He has written for various websites mostly about horror and film, but occasionally about the other various facets of existence. He is co-host of So Grosse Such Pointe Much Blank, a podcast focusing specifically on the 1997 film, Grosse Pointe Blank. He, also, has a chapter on QAnon and the 2008 film, Martyrs, in Toxic Cultures: A Companion from Peter Lang Publishing. You can reach him at

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