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In Theaters Thursday – 10-02-14 Gone Girl Full view

In Theaters Thursday – 10-02-14

In Theaters Thursday is Reel World Theology’s weekly look at new movies hitting the theaters near you this weekend.  We look at all nationwide releases, as well as some select limited releases that are piquing our interest.  Add your own comments or keep the conversation going on Facebook and Twitter and tell us what movies you are looking forward to this weekend!  


Gone Girl

Gone Girl – There is not a lot coming out this weekend, but here is the heavy hitter that has the potential to take the box office.  The highly anticipated new film from David Fincher (director of The Social Network, Se7en, and Fight Club; just to name a few) has been getting a lot of buzz.  I think it is rightly deserved.  Fincher has not had a miss for a movie (some may argue Benjamin Button or Girl With The Dragon Tattoo are misses) and the strong cast make for a movie with tons of potential.  And check out the trailer.  Rarely have I watched a trailer as of late and was entertained by the trailer the whole way through.  This would be my recommendation for this weekend.


The Good Lie – I’m not really sure what to make of this movie after watching the trailer.  It seems like a feel good story with Reese Witherspoon making a bunch of sassy remarks and cranky faces at people while being light-hearted and fun.  This is based on a true story, like almost everything these days, it seems, and is not really all that appealing to me.  I might be pleasantly surprised, so if you see this one at the theaters let me know what you thought.


Annabelle – Dear everyone, I will always make it abundantly clear that horror is the last thing I will pick to see.  Annabelle, the follow up to the Conjuring, does not even register as a possibility for me.  Again, I could be wrong on this but you horror junkies let me know what I a missing out on.


Left Behind – Please see yesterday’s Wednesday Web link in order to get my thoughts on this.  Just a quick thought.  There is one point in the trailer where Nicolas Cage’s character’s daughter yells, “The God my mother talked about, would never do something like this.”  My thoughts exactly.


7500 (I think???) – Hmm…do I need to reiterate myself?  Probably not.  However, the story behind the release of this movie is a bit hellish (pun intended).  It has been out since 2012 but has had a tough time getting a release date in the US and UK, but it has finally happened around the same time that the Blu-Ray is coming out in Germany!  Sehr gut!



The Hero of Color City – While having an interesting cast of voice actors (Owen Wilson, Sean Astin, Christina Ricci), the movie looks downright awful.  It seems like babysitter fodder for families with Netflix.  The animation looks anything but beautiful and the premise…well, tired and more of a pastiche, and not like the good pastiche.  It’s only limited release, but I would say to steer clear until the inevitable release on Netflix or some other streaming platform.

Men Women Children

Men, Women, & Children  – Hey!  It’s American Beauty for the social media generation!  We’re all screwed up, messed up, drugged up, pent up, and we suburbanites want to do something about it, like all GO CRAZY!  Alright, all kidding aside. This movie looks interesting but is only in limited release and has been getting some rough opening critical reviews. Might be a good ol’ bet for the comfort of VOD or possibly to rent down the line.  However, if it is playing in your city let me know how it is.  I’m interested, just not enough.


Star Wars Rebels

Star Wars: Rebels – As a Star Wars fanboy and Old Triolgy nut, this Friday is the start of the new era of Star Wars.  About 14 months before the release of Star Wars Episode VII comes the new animated series, Star Wars: Rebels.  I am so dang excited for this and can’t wait to watch this!  If you have the Disney Channel and are stuck in the house, you can watch the one-hour premier movie, Spark of Rebellion!  It is on the Disney Channel at 9 PM Eastern time and then moves to Disney XD for regular episodes starting October 13th!  May the Force Be With You, always.


Written by Joshua Crabb

Josh Crabb (@HeyItsThatJosh) is an editor, writer, and sometimes talker for Reel World Theology. He is also the co-host of a weekly Star Wars podcast, Home One Radio (@homeoneradio). When he's not obsessing over movies or Star Wars, he works as an educator in Appleton, WI and spending time with his best friend and wife, Tina, and his 4 super awesome kids!

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