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  • #108 – Midnight Special and Surprised By Hope
#108 – Midnight Special and Surprised By Hope ms002 Full view

#108 – Midnight Special and Surprised By Hope

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

ms001We ask the question, “Can someone explain Jeff Nichols?” We do our best while also talking about themes and items we see repeated throughout his budding catalog of written and directed films. How do his films straddle the border of reality and fantasy/sci-fi and why does it make us ask so many questions? Speaking of questions, is it ok to make movies where the audience gets to fill in a lot of blanks themselves? Well, we hope so because Midnight Special does just that!

Download Episode 108 Here:

Reel World Theology #108 – Midnight Special and Surprised By Hope
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This episode’s panel included Blaine Grimes and Alexis Johnson:

Blaine Grimes (@Dept_of_Tourism)
Reel World: Rewind

Alexis Johnson (@phoenicianrises)
Reel Cathedral

Podcast Notes and Links:
Midnight Special at IMDB
Midnight Special at Rotten Tomatoes
Midnight Special Review at Reel Spirituality
Seeing the Light in Jeff Nichols Midnight Special at Think Christian
Midnight Special Review at Christianity Today
Midnight Special Explores Belief & Doubt With Surprising Honesty at C&PC
Midnight Special Review at Cinemayward
Behind the Astonishing Midnight Special Ending at BuzzFeed
The Heartbreaking Story That Inspired Jeff Nichols to Write Midnight Special at Cinemablend

Written by Mikey Fissel

Mikey Fissel (@fizzification) is the Creator/Producer/Managing Editor of Reel World Theology. He lives in Greensboro, NC with his wife, Laura, and their three children. He finds much joy from recounting his catch-phrase, "Story is Powerful and Entertainment is Not Mindless..."


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