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  • #094 – Batman v Superman and Divisive Interpretations
#094 – Batman v Superman and Divisive Interpretations bvs001 Full view

#094 – Batman v Superman and Divisive Interpretations

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

bvs002It seems audiences and critics are as divided as our heroes are on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. We bring in two huge comic and superhero fans in James Harleman and JR Forasteros to talk about what they liked and didn’t like about Warner Bros. latest DC comic adaptation. The conversation does not disappoint because we try to decipher what makes a movie truly bad from what makes it enjoyable, why we need to get used to Batman killing, how awesome we all think Wonder Woman is, films that wear their theology on their sleeve, and we also release some of our pent-up Man of Steel angst that is STILL brewing from three years ago!

Download Episode 094 Here:

Reel World Theology #094 – Batman v Superman and Divisive Interpretations
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This episode’s panel included JR Forasteros and James Harleman.

JR Forasteros (@jrforasteros)
The Storymen Podcast
Origami Elephants Podcast

James Harleman (@harlemanic) (@cinemagogue)
YouTube Channel
The Book:
Cinemagogue: Reclaiming Entertainment and Navigating Narrative for the Myths and Mirrors they were Meant to Be

Podcast Notes and Links:

Batman v Superman at IMDB
Man of Steel at IMDB
Batman v Superman at Rotten Tomatoes
Man of Steel at Rotten Tomatoes
Batman v Superman Review at Reel World Theology
Episode #002 – Super Symbol at Reel World Theology
10 Reasons Superman’s Dad was RIGHT at Cinemagogue
Batman v Superman Review at Norville Rogers
Batman v Superman Review at Reel-Gospel
Batman v Superman Review at Reel Spirituality
Batman v Superman Review at Larson on Film
Batman v Superman Review at Cinemayward
Batman v Superman – What is the Argument? at Strangers and Aliens
The Secret History of Wonder Woman


Written by Mikey Fissel

Mikey Fissel (@fizzification) is the Creator/Producer/Managing Editor of Reel World Theology. He lives in Greensboro, NC with his wife, Laura, and their three children. He finds much joy from recounting his catch-phrase, "Story is Powerful and Entertainment is Not Mindless..."


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