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  • #052 – Whiplash and The Cost of Perfection
#052 – Whiplash and The Cost of Perfection ten_whip Full view

#052 – Whiplash and The Cost of Perfection

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

Our panel takes a look at another Best Picture candidate, Whiplash. Starring Miles Teller and JK Simmons, Whiplash explores themes of perfection and achievement in an incredibly intense and jazzy way. While the performances, especially of JK Simmons, are incredible, there are also a lot of parallels we can pull out about how society views and defines success and what is acceptable to sacrifice on the way to perfection.

Download Episode 052 Here:
Reel World Theology #052 – Whiplash and The Cost of Perfection
Reel World Theology on Stitcher

This weeks panel included Josh Larsen and Mark Wingerter.

Josh Larsen (@LarsenOnFilm)
Think Christian

Mark Wingerter (@markwingdinger)
Re-View Series


Podcast Notes and Links:

Whiplash at IMDB

Whiplash at Rotten Tomatoes

Whiplash Review at LarsenOnFilm

Whiplash and Our Striving For Perfection at ThinkChristian

Whiplash Review at Reel Spirituality

Whiplash Review – Alternate Take at Reel Spirituality

Whiplash Review at Reel Gospel

Whiplash Review at Christianity Today


Written by Mikey Fissel

Mikey Fissel (@fizzification) is the Creator/Producer/Managing Editor of Reel World Theology. He lives in Greensboro, NC with his wife, Laura, and their three children. He finds much joy from recounting his catch-phrase, "Story is Powerful and Entertainment is Not Mindless..."