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  • #043 – Big Hero 6 and the Healing Power of Empathy
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#043 – Big Hero 6 and the Healing Power of Empathy

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:


We get the chance to talk about another high quality animated movie released this year, Big Hero 6. This first marriage of Disney Animation and the MARVEL Universe seems to be acclaimed as a great success. Not only is the animation incredibly fun, but the story itself is full of the kind of humor and themes that the whole family can appreciate. We get into when and how parents should take their kids to the theater and the benefits of engaging viewers of all ages.


Download Episode 043 Here:
Reel World Theology #043 – Big Hero 6 and the Healing Power of Empathy
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This weeks’ panel included Laura Fissel and Joshua Crabb.

Laura Fissel (@laura_fissel)

Joshua Crabb (@JorshCrebb)
RWT Contributor
13Past1 Blog


Podcast Notes and Links:

Big Hero 6 on IMDB

Big Hero 6 on Rotten Tomatoes

The Monster Supercomputing Achievement That Light’s Up Disney’s Big Hero 6 at Co Create

Big Hero 6 Review at Reel Spirituality

Big Hero 6 Alternate Take at Reel Spirituality

How John Lassater’s Pixar Culture Led to Big Hero 6 Breakthrough at The Wrap

Written by Mikey Fissel

Mikey Fissel (@fizzification) is the Creator/Producer/Managing Editor of Reel World Theology. He lives in Greensboro, NC with his wife, Laura, and their three children. He finds much joy from recounting his catch-phrase, "Story is Powerful and Entertainment is Not Mindless..."